Story - Style - Strategy

Filming is fun.
Capturing video, not a problem!
But when the time comes to cut, splice or brand your project, the whole process comes to a halt...
That's where the llama fits in. We help you lift your content from the chopping floor to it's desired destination -
your audience.


If a picture says a thousand words - a video says a million.

  • Schedule a regular output
  • Show, don't tell, who you are
  • Grow your customer base
  • Increase revenue and engagement

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Many experienced content creators find it difficult to achieve balance. When their projects grow from hobby to full time production, staying on task becomes a challenge.

From looking for inspiration, to capturing it, and then preparing it for multiple platforms - the time just disappears!  There is a point when, in order to keep going, the team needs to grow.

Finding the right person can be hard. There are plenty of concerns. For instance, what would training a content editor look like for you? Will you be able to keep a dedicated editor busy? By working with Creative Llama you can put those worries away and focus on what you do best - capturing the moment!

Cute girl with colorful glowing photo memories concept